Industrial projects

Industrial projects

The regional legislation regulates two figures designed to promote industrial projects in Galicia aimed at helping the projects to be implemented in the shortest possible time, by accompanying and advising the investment promoters during the necessary administrative procedures, as well as simplifying and speeding up those procedures: the Plan for the promotion and acceleration of industrial projects and Strategic industrial projects (PIE).

On the other hand, our regulatory framework establishes the concept of projects of regional interest (PIA), which are designed as instruments of direct intervention in the land planning of the Autonomous Region.

Law on industrial policies

Legislative Decree 1/2015, of 12 February, approving the revised text of the legal provisions of the Autonomous Region of Galicia on industrial policies.

Grupo Cortizo

Construction of a technological campus

Grupo Cortizo

Hijos de Carlos Albo

Construction of a new production plant

Hijos de Carlos Albo

Oviganic Ibérica

Installation of drying tower and butter-oil line

Oviganic Ibérica